by BolidePublishing | Dec 20, 2016 | Author Interviews
Dawn Chapman has been creating sci-fi and fantasy stories for thirty years. Until 2005 when her life and attention turned to scripts, and she started work on The Secret King, a 13-episode sci-fi TV series, with great passion for this medium. In 2010, Dawn returned to...
by BolidePublishing | May 14, 2016 | Author Interviews
Greg Spry was born in Green Bay, Wisconsin, in 1978. He majored in industrial engineering at the University of Wisconsin—Madison before earning a graduate degree in space systems from the Florida Institute of Technology. When he’s not writing the next epic sci-fi...
by BolidePublishing | Apr 4, 2016 | Projects (Published)
Chris Brown is unemployed and going nowhere in life. Living in a small flat in North London, he is heavily in debt and needs to find the money to repay the loan shark; or else. Answers to his problems come with the unexpected arrival of aliens from 600 light years...
by BolidePublishing | Aug 31, 2015 | Author Interviews
Jo Zebedee – I live just outside Belfast, and I write science fiction with the odd dash of fantasy. I enjoy gardening, and grow lots of my own veg, spending time with my family, and I read a lot.[divider] When did you first discover your love for writing? I...
by BolidePublishing | Jun 14, 2015 | A to Z: Themes
Military Sci-Fi As far as I can gather (as this is one of my least favourite sub-genres of science-fiction) Military Sci-Fi uses futuristic technology and weapons, often to negotiate fights with alien civilisations, or conduct battles in space, although I’ve...