Firstly, I would like to wish everyone a very happy new year. I hope that 2021 brings you all good health and good luck (and success with all your writing, reading, editing, and publishing goals).

I spent the latter part of December looking at how Bolide Publishing is performing and have decided to make a few changes, based on the fact I’ve been learning on-the-go and would like to try new ways and means of promoting.

The biggest change is the withdrawal of books from Kindle Unlimited over the next few months as I don’t feel that this is the best model for us to continue with. I may be shooting myself in the foot, but if I don’t try new ways of selling, I’ll never know if they could have worked.

Kindle Unlimited final day(s):

2nd January:
Starstruck (S.E.Anderson)
Alienation (S.E. Anderson)
The Bet (A.H. Johnstone)
Charon Unguarded (A.H. Johnstone)

7th January
Starstruck Boxset

10th January
Traveler (S.E. Anderson)
Head over Heels (S.E. Anderson)

13th January
Aftermath (E.A. Copen)

9th February
Starbound (S.E. Anderson)

13th February
Eartstuck (S.E. Anderson)

22nd February
The Quest (Karina Kantas)

25th February
Celestial (S.E.Anderson)

26th February
Illusional Reality (Karina Kantas)

27th February
Renegades (E.A. Copen)

7th March
Star Shepherd

23rd March
Illusional Reality (Duology/boxset)

As it is extremely short notice for Starstruck and Alienation, I have reduced both of these books to 99c each (and its currency equivalent elsewhere) for the next seven days. If you experience any difficulty accessing any books you have placed in Kindle Unlimited prior to these end dates, please do not hesitate to contact me.

There are still places available on our Advance Reader/Reviewer team if you are a book reviewer/blogger. You can read about how to do this here:

I have other changes (hopefully for the better) in the pipeline, but I’m still working the details out for these.

Thank you for understanding and your continued support.