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Small print: Alienation, Traveler, and Celestial are on a Kindle Countdown. The initial sale price of 99c will rise to $1.99.

Starbound (Preview)

The first six chapters of Starbound (due for release this fall) will be released to readers of our newsletter. If you would like to receive a preview you can sign up here: 


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She could barely look after herself. Now, she’s looking after the entire planet.

After an incident with a hot-air balloon causes college-dropout Sally Webber to lose her job, she sets off to find direction in her life. Crashing into a teleporting alien, however, is not on her to-do list.

Now she’s on the run from TV-drama-loving aliens, and things are just getting started. Zander won’t stop reeling her into life-or-death situations to save her planet, as he waits for his laser-wielding sister to search the universe for him. Though Sally isn’t quite sure if he wants to save Earth from annihilation, or just quell his curiosity of all things human.

Now she’s got to find lost alien emissaries, as well as a job, and stop the planet from getting incinerated in the process. But with Zander as her roommate, what could possibly go wrong?

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Audiobook Offers

Starstruck and Alienation (book 1 & 2), narrated by Rena Gail, are both available in audiobook format via Audible/Amazon. 

If you are not yet a member of Audible, you can sign up here. New members get two free Audiobooks and two Audible Originals.

If you are already a member of Audible but would like to listen and review, we have a limited number of codes available (UK & US). Please use the contact form below if you would like to request a code. 


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