Nuclear War (and the ensuing ‘winter’)
I was watching a program a while back about adverts that used to appear on our television screens during the nineteen-seventies. One advert was produced by the UK government and carried the slogan ‘Protect and Survive.’ I had absolutely no recollection of this, but my mum informed me that it was a very real threat back then, (and maybe it still is, although I’m under the impression that none of the countries with Nuclear weapons dare fire them, lest it blows our planet to smithereens.
It should come as no surprise then, that Nuclear weapons, wars, fallouts and winters should play an important role within science fiction, be it the post-apocalyptic setting the few survivors live in, the cause of a zombie manifestation, or the sole reason for abandoning our planet.
(And I will add some more to this as I come across books depicting these themes)